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Age Determination – Age cutoff date is May 1st.  See Below Examples:

All teams will move up in age on August 1st of each year.

8u-Cannot turn 9 prior to May 1, 2025

9u-Cannot turn 10 prior to May 1, 2025

10u-Cannot turn 11 prior to May 1, 2025

11u-Cannot turn 12 prior to May 1, 2025

12u-Cannot turn 13 prior to May 1, 2025

13u-Cannot turn 14 prior to May 1, 2025

14u-Cannot turn 15 prior to May 1, 2025

15u-Cannot turn 16 prior to May 1, 2025

HS-Cannot turn 19 prior to May 1, 2025

Our Sanction Period will run January-December.

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